Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just a quick break

Maybe it feels like I never finish knitting anything 'cause I'm so easily distracted - dya think?? I was catching up on posts from a few favorite blogs, and first came across this challenge from Tammy, and realized that I'd have to admit my complete obsession with mystery novels if I were to respond. My latest discovery, Susan Dunlap, has apparently been around for a while, and is actually a very classy mystery writer - no psycho-killers (qu'est-ce que c'est?), slashers, or gore, just a good old whodunit that takes place in an isolated zendo in a rainy redwood forest ... good stuff, right? Oh yeah, the line is, "Sits quietly; adores rules." Hmmm.

The next blog I looked at had a much more edifying challenge - just like Willow, I'd love to get Back to History - then I'd have something I've read that I can share and still have some self respect! I'm signing up - my first three picks are:

1) Antonia Fraser's Mary Queen of Scots
2) Howard Zinn's The Twentieth Century, A People's History, and
3) Patrick O'Brian's Master and Commander - I've been wanting to try this series forever, and yes, if you want to talk distractions, I just saw the group ...

Of course, all this good-for-me reading won't keep me from skipping out on this, or this, or especially this! It'll just be a small reminder that I don't want my brain to melt completely. Any more than it has already, that is.

Speaking of reminders ... I have a FO to post! Very soon - as soon as I have a decent picture to go with it. Now back to my puppy slippers - after completely rethinking (and re-knitting) my concept, the linings are almost complete. Still no little one, so I've got time for a lot more reading!


Willow said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I think you'll enjoy Mary Queen of Scots. I read while I was in England on a vacation and being in some of those places mentioned in the book made it all come alive. That's why I chose Faith and Treason to read this year. The Other Boleyn Girl is a good read too. Have you ever read any Dick Francis murder mysteries? Or Dorothy Sayers? Both are/were British writers.
Love that pinky/melony yarn!

Tammy said...

It was fun hearing from you at my blog. I hope you get a chance to try the Shi Bui Gloves soon. They were so much fun to knit!

I have a thing for mystery novels as well. I've been into the Agatha Raisin series by MC Beaton lately. I've also heard that Dick Francis is good as Willow mentioned.

Jani said...

Wow, who knew - I love getting comments! You two made my day!

Thanks for the ideas, Willow - I agree, the 'Other Boleyn Girl' series is a good one. Dick Francis I have tried - my DH, (also a professor, btw :^) loves him on audio - but I can't remember reading any Dorothy Sayers.

I did get into the 'Inspector Lynley' series by Elizabeth George for a while, and it was really fun to see some of the places she writes about when we were in Chelsea a few years back, but her books are just too creepy for me - guess I'm really a 'cozy' kinda girl ... Tammy, Agatha Raisin sounds right up my alley!